Saturday, November 15, 2008

I gotta get with it...

So after the long and monotonous task of adding all the class blogs to my follow list, i realized that almost everyone is making new posts on stuff thats just goin on outside of school. I thought it was neat that the whole blog idea has turned out to be more than just another assignment. Its been adding alot of veriety and entertainment that you wouldnt normally expect from a class project. Also the ability to work on this from home and use it to see whats new with my friends makes it feel alot more personal and... well just more ME. With a pretty open ended idea like this, its going to be alot more interesting to do work.

1 comment:

L. M. Peifer said...

I think this is a great post and exactly the kind of realization I like to read about. I hope it really does make doing your homework feel fun; it should be fun!