Thursday, November 20, 2008



Two days ago, a guard under watch of the area where the body of Polyneices was located. After falling asleep on the duty, the guard awoke to a most unsettling sight. A thin layer of dust had now covered the body of the fallen traitor. No traces of animal or weather disturbance could be seen at the site, so the guards each took a gamble and chose who would have to speak with the king. The guard located near the body at the time took the responsibility and immediately notified the King Creon. Upon interviewing the guard about his encounter with the king, he hardly spoke. From what we could gather out of the stuttering and sobbing, the king's fury knew absolutely no limits.

Just yesterday, the culprit was caught. In a determined act to save his own life, the guard waited for many hours with no rest to find the soul who had betrayed the kings orders. After hours of waiting, someone was spotted returning the dust onto the corpse. Capture of the person revealed that the criminal was none other than the kings very own niece, Antigone! A confrontation with the king proved her guilt when she denied nothing and admitted her intentions with no argument at all. Her only reason for committing such a terrible act of betrayal was loyalty and love for her brother. Her sister Ismene soon began to admit her own fault in the situation trying to share the blame with Antigone. The punishment for either is yet to be determined however with the kings current rage makes it rather obvious that before the end of the week, someone will die.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I gotta get with it...

So after the long and monotonous task of adding all the class blogs to my follow list, i realized that almost everyone is making new posts on stuff thats just goin on outside of school. I thought it was neat that the whole blog idea has turned out to be more than just another assignment. Its been adding alot of veriety and entertainment that you wouldnt normally expect from a class project. Also the ability to work on this from home and use it to see whats new with my friends makes it feel alot more personal and... well just more ME. With a pretty open ended idea like this, its going to be alot more interesting to do work.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ALIRGHT the blog is done!

This is my first blog. I have always been pretty skeptical or things like this because it seems like only one or two people would ever really care about whats written but since its an English assignment i don't really have a choice. Oh well its not that bad. So my previous experience with technology involves building and messing with computer parts and components. I do do a lot of online social networking like facebook and AIM to stay in contact with friends but I've never used a blog. I also do a lot of online gaming on my PC and Xbox so I've been in touch with lots of other people throughout the world. I've grown up with technology for most of my life since my dad has a lot of experience with computers and their hardware. Nowadays i cant imagine life without it. Technology is one of those things that i cant really go without using for very long. I always rely on it to keep me up to date with events and friends. I built my first computer in 7th or 8th grade with my dad. It was pretty expensive but the final product was reliable and effective. I still use that same computer today because its definitely the best one in our house.